Ludum Dare 34 Entry - 2 Buttons Only

The Last of Egg

by Shudda Hadda Lotta Fun Studios

Alex Schuster - Design, Programming, Music, UI/FX

Mikhail Delinois - Art, Character Design, Voice

Brian Greenwood - Programming

A little short of our grandiose vision, we managed to complete the jam in the Nick of time... who laughs last now Nick?? Hmmm????

The Last of Egg is a survival horror game. You play as the last remaining egg struggling to survive. Collect weapons, find crafting supplies, and avoid being attacked by the mutants of the land. Will you ever get home? Will you ever see Claire again? It's what's inside that counts my friend... so are you soft? Or are you Hard-Boiled.

Controls -

Left Arrow - Roll Left

Right Arrow - Roll Right

Both Keys - Egg Hop